Rons Rants

A Blog Is A Self-Inflicted Invasion Of Privacy

Location: Newland, North Carolina, United States

I'm a fifty two year old happily married man who doesn't really like many people which is why I live on the top of a mountain.

Sunday, July 23, 2006


I've spent quite a bit of time reading other blogs recently and I've come to a few conclusions.

1) I really wish I had paid attention during English class. I have no freakin' clue as to where to place punctuation marks, when to begin a new paragraph or, for that matter, when to use a comma. I suppose I tend to write "by the seat of my pants" which is of course, closely akin to "talking out of my ass".

2) There are some really sick, low life morons out there in the B-Sphere! "Wierd" doesn't begin to cover it. I'm new to blogging so, maybe I'm a bit naive but DAMN!

3) I pray to God that I never become "Serious" about blogging. Man, some people get downright freaky with their blogs!

4) I will NEVER go to a "BlogFest". Hell, I don't like most so-called "normal" people. Why the hell would I want to associate with a bunch of freaks who blog about their bowel movements, extremely personal matters and other incredibly wierd stuff?

5) Unless you are a true genius, totally original or just plain bizarre, you don't have a prayer of becoming a huge "success" in the B-Sphere.....I simply ain't either of those. I'm frighteningly "Average" or even slightly below average I fear. Don't get me wrong...I LOVE to hear myself talk but I have no delusions...I'm not all that freakin' bright.

6) I enjoy reading Southerners MUCH more than Yankees. Southerners seem to have a more laid back attitude and can RANT without seeming to boil over. Yankee's can say "I love you" and it sounds like "Why don't you go screw yourself?" Go figure.

7) I prefer to read male blogs as opposed to female blogs. Male bloggers seem to be happier and as a result, more humerous. Just my perception....again, I'm new to this stuff.

8) I am SERIOUSLY out of touch with the mainstream and what is "popular" in the world. For example: Most of the music or artist's people reference on their blogs, I've never heard of. I think that's a good thing.

9) I need to have one of our designers build me an "idiot proof" blog site. I can't figure out how to make this Blogspot site do what I want it to do. I'd really like to make it more interesting but....not enough to take the time to actually LEARN it!

10) I am going to continue to blog. I think it's really cool to "meet" other people via the blog, have them give me feedback and exchange opinions without ever having to go to dinner with them or send them Christmas cards!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know what you mean about meeting people via the blog instead of in person. I am very uncomfortable around most people, which explains why I have always surrounded myself with dogs. I keep saying I'm NOT going to do a blog, but I actually tried to sign up for one a few weeks ago. I was gonna use the nickname I use when I play online spades (with actual real people from all over the world) but when I tried to sign up with that name - "KarmaBites" - I got a message saying that name was already in use. So, I gave up cause I couldn't think of another blog name I like. And just what is a "blogfest?" I don't think I would want to go to one if everyone talks about bowel movements. I still have trouble with the fart jokes my teens are so fond of telling.

7/24/2006 12:54 AM  
Blogger Rantin' Ron said...

Too funny! A "Blogfest" is a gathering of Bloggers. My reference to bowel movements was because some bloggers, some of the really strange ones talk about all manner of crazy stuff bowel movements being some of the more tame subjects.
You really ought to'de be good at it's sort of therapeutic.

7/24/2006 3:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Drinkin', smokin' shit-shootin' guitar pickin'.

Sounds like you'd fit in quite well at the blogmeets I frequent, where I am often the only) person who lives north of the Mason-Dixon Line.

7/26/2006 5:00 AM  
Blogger Rantin' Ron said...

Hi Jim..thanks for "dropping by". Maybe I'll have to change my mind and attend one someday. I do love to "pick and party"!


7/26/2006 7:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.

8/09/2006 11:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like it! Keep up the good work. Thanks for sharing this wonderful site with us.

8/15/2006 10:39 AM  

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