Rons Rants

A Blog Is A Self-Inflicted Invasion Of Privacy

Location: Newland, North Carolina, United States

I'm a fifty two year old happily married man who doesn't really like many people which is why I live on the top of a mountain.

Friday, July 28, 2006

Voting Rights

I believe that the right to vote is the cornerstone of our Representative Republic. To those who may not be aware of the fact that America is NOT a Democracy but a Representative Republic, you may leave now because you are a moron.

In America, each individual DOES NOT have an individual vote in Congress. If we did, America would be a true Democracy which, of course, we are not. We are a Representative Republic because we vote for people who supposedly represent our collective desires as to how the government should be run.

Having said that, I firmly believe that all Americans should be allowed to vote in our Representative Republic. HOWEVER, I believe that there should be Four requirments BEFORE a citizen is allowed to exercise this right.

1) I believe there SHOULD be a written test. If you are too stupid to read and write, you are too stupid to vote for the leadership of this country! Period.

I believe the test should include very basic questions such as...

a) Who are your state's Senators?
b) Who is your Congress person?
c) Do you speak English? If so...prove it.
d) What is your state capitol?
e) What is the nation's capitol?

That's not too much to ask is it? I think not. (These simplistic questions could be varied from time to time to prevent Liberals from coaching their mindless drones.)

2) You should only be allowed to vote ONLY if you pay taxes. Period. If you don't share the burden of paying for all the crap our Government wastes our money on, you shouldn't be allowed to vote. Period.

3) I believe the Poll Tax SHOULD be reinstated. It should only be five or ten bucks but it would insure that crooked political parties would think twice about busing in huge numbers of illegal aliens, dead people and fraudelent voters to sway the vote. Not many dead people can pay a poll tax! Anyone who can't afford to pay the poll tax can sweep up around the freakin' voting booths for an hour to pay for the priveledge of voting! Nobody plays for free anymore damn it. If you are too infirm to sweep up the place, make 'em sit there and hand out ballots or something!

4) You MUST show a valid form of ID. I don't give a damn if the goverment has to issue ID cards to every single citizen. It ain't Big Brother keeping tabs on the citizenery, it's making damned sure that you ARE a citizen to begin with BEFORE you are allowed to exersize your rights AS a citizen!

The "Voting Rights Act" may have been neccesary back in 1965 but it is NOT needed now. What we NEED is a "Voting Responsibity Act".

I guarantee you there wouldn't be anymore of this "voting irregularities" horseshit if we passed the "Voting Responsibity Act".

While I'm at it...I'd pass ONE more law if I had the power. It's quite simple....

If you are found guilty of tampering with the voting process in ANY way, you will be imprisoned for parole. PERIOD. It's THAT important!

We could use the poll tax to pay for the LIFETIME upkeep of those treasonous morons who would defraud the voting process.

I'd like to have one more law banning Liberal's from the process but, I suppose that would be a bit much. OR would it? Hmmmm.......


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Damnation Ron. If we have to take a written test, the airheads in California (which is 99.9% of the state) won't be able to vote and...oh wait, that's a gooooood thing. And don't forget about the thieves, rapists, and murderers in our jails who spend their small stashes on cigarettes and "mansex".
They won't be able to pay a poll tax...ohhhh, that's good too. You may just be on to something.

7/28/2006 6:04 PM  
Blogger Rantin' Ron said...

I said a "poll tax"...NOT a "Pole Tax"!

Too funny Teresa.

Keeper....can you imagine the outrage that would have ensued had a white politician called for a "Vanilla" city?

You know..I really don't mind conflicting opinions or ideaologies but I DETEST hypocrisy! I don't care which side of the political spectrum it comes from... I HATE IT.

I have to get off the computer....we are having SEVERE lighting storms around here and I can't afford to have our computers fried again! Ok....the insurance company can't afford it! LOL.

Man the weather is WILD up here sometimes. IT was 79 degrees and HUMID up here at 8:00Pm but, after two hours or so of T-storms, it's down to 62 and COLD!

Gotta go "batten down the hatches"!

See y'all tomorrow.


7/28/2006 10:08 PM  

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