Rons Rants

A Blog Is A Self-Inflicted Invasion Of Privacy

Location: Newland, North Carolina, United States

I'm a fifty two year old happily married man who doesn't really like many people which is why I live on the top of a mountain.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

A Busy Boy

I have been a busy boy lately but I am hammering out a new tale. I had already written one all about some famous and semi famous people I have played and/or partied with. There is also one really famous one that I pissed off royally but, upon further consideration, one or more of them would probably sue the hell out of me so....that one is one the back burner for now.

In the meantime, ya'll may have seen this before but I stumbled onto it and thought ya'll might want to check it out. It's the perfect proof that the idiots who claim that the evil Republicans duped the innocent Democrats over the war in Iraq are lying pieces of feces. It is a fact that Liberals (not to be confused with honest, albiet misguided Democrats) are betting on the American public's short attention span and ignorance. Can anyone look at this montage and honestly claim that Bush, Cheney or Rove are responsible for these quotes which come out of the lying mouths of the very folks who now claim that Bush Lied? If so, please stay the hell off of my're a friggin' moron!

Check it out

See ya'll soon.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

YEAH, whut Ron said!

Oh..wait, you didn't make me your Sargent at Arms, did ya? ;-)

9/28/2006 2:57 PM  
Blogger Libby Spencer said...

Well Ron, call me a moron but all that proves to me is that ALL professional politicans are lying opportunists who don't care about anything except their political power. It doesn't matter what party they're in, they're all screwing us for their own gain.

My theory is, dump the incumbents. At least it will take a new guy a while to get corrupted.

9/28/2006 5:16 PM  
Blogger Rantin' Ron said...

Sure Imp, you be my Sargeant at Arms...I may need one!

Libby, I'm inclined to agree with you.

9/28/2006 6:19 PM  
Blogger Papa Ray said...

Well Ron, yes, I have already read that and much more.

I'm new here, so I don't really have the lay of the land yet, let alone know your mindset.

But I will invite you to read one of my posts over at Rednecks Revenge. Oh, and be sure and look through the comments.

If you do visit, I am guessing you haven't been that far on the Redneck side in a while.

Don't worry, we like people visiting as long as they behave. Just remember that all of have enought firepower and ammo to protect a small country.

Papa Ray
West Texas

9/29/2006 7:57 PM  
Blogger Alnot said...

Thanks for the link Ron. I already knew about democrat hypocrisy but then again as a fan of Ann Coulter and her fact filled books that make liberals even more hysterical I kinda lean that way.

10/07/2006 1:44 PM  

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