When Rob Smith
aka Acidman assumed room temperature the other day something miraculous happened...
he became a bonafied freakin' saint! I logged onto
GutRumbles intending to leave a comment and, lo and behold, I thought some other Rob Smith had croaked.
In keeping with my understanding of the recently departed Acidman, I left a comment which, unlike most of the other guest book signers, was completely honest.
I wrote something to the effect that, while he was one nasty, vile, irreverant, cantankorous, beligerent, outrageous and totally self absorbed son of a bitch, I would miss reading him daily. I wrote that, while I wished I could wish him a sincere
God Speed, anyone who truly understood the man realized that he had pretty much gone from the frying pan into the fires of Hell!
Acidman would have approved of my post...no doubt about it. He was no hypocrit.
I thought the comment was tame by comparison to what the Acidman would have said himself if he could've signed his own guest book. My post was not only yanked immediatly, I was accused of being "
inappropriate"!! I couldn't believe my damned eyes!
Inappropriate is a perfect discription of Rob's entire life as I knew him.
My point is that, for some reason, people have this ridiculous tendency to elevate assholes to saints, piss ants to heroes and scumbags to decent human beings once they stop breathing. It's really disgusting how often this happens.
It didn't take me long to realize that Rob's daughter or some other so-called
loved one had actually removed his last post on
GutRumbles in which he
went off against almost everyone he knew including so-called friends and family.
On top of that, his final post stated, and I quote pretty much verbatum,
"I'm pretty sure tomorrow will be my last day". Hell, he even pondered whether he would shoot himself with a .22 or a larger caliber weapon!
I honestly don't think Rob Smith deserves to have as his legacy all this touch feeley, revisionist horse shit. He didn't live his life that way. It's pure hypocrisy.
I once emailed him before he went into rehab and told him that my wife and I would pray for him. I immediatly got a reply in which he told me what I could do with my prayers. He was an unappologetic Atheist and all these attempts to remake him into a wonderful human being who is now sitting at the right hand of God is simply other people's way of trying to make up for their own mistreatment of the man. PERIOD.
I personally thought Rob was an extremely flawed man yet an incredibly unique charactor who was a lot of things but he was not a saint. Hell, who among us is? Certainly not me and I hope I'll be able to haunt the HELL out of anyone he attempt to potray me as such once I'm dead and gone.
There should be a special place in Hell for hypocrits!!
Oh yeah, by the way, I'm really gonna miss reading Rob Smith, warts and all.
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