I Wish I Were A Black Person
Seriously, if I were Black I could say what I'm about to say without being called a Racist, which I am not. I'm sure if anyone actually reads this, I'll be called one but I'm not. I know, I know,...."The racist doth protest too much".
I was watching the coverage of President Bush speaking to the NAACP the other day and to be honest, I was almost literally sick to my stomach. It's hard to believe that such a morally good man (in my opinion) would prostrate himself before that ridiculous organization. Talk about casting the proverbial pearls before swine!
The NAACP is a pox upon every Black person in America and should be outlawed by Blacks themselves. The very name alone is an abomination...National Association of Colored People my saggin' ass! A couple of points here to begin with:
1) If ANY white person referred to a person of color as "Colored" they would be prosecuted or, at the very least, persecuted as a racist.
2) When is the last time a person of color OTHER than a Black person was championed by the NAACP? Oh yeah...they really stood behind the nomination of Gonzales right? Please.....correct me if I'm wrong.
3) Why is it that the NAACP doesn't champion the rights of Mexican's? Could it be that they are pissed because Blacks are quickly being replaced as the largest minority group in America by...oh yeah, MEXICANS? Actually, I think they already have been.
Just asking....
Why did George Bush waste his breath on the NAACP? Does he really believe that conceding to them would garner even a small degree of support? A modicum of respect? If so, the man needs to be impeached for being freakin' delusional!
It is a FACT that no other racial group in America votes in lock step to the extent that Blacks do. What is it? 96% Democrat? Talk about your "SHEEP"! If I were a Black person, I would be ashamed. Allan Keyes, Bill Cosby, Rev. Peterson et al have said it far better than I but it simply amazes me that an entire race can be sold so willingly into political prostitution. They have been a race of political whores for well over half a generation now and for what? Governmental slavery?
The Democrats were in power for over forty years and all they did was supervise over the ruination of an entire race of Americans. They brought about Lyndon Johnsons' "Great Society" alright.... a great society of whiners, criminals, welfare trough feeders, fatherless children and career victims. Thank God that some blacks have not bought into this ridiculous mentality. Perhaps there IS hope.
George Bush might as have well have been pissing up a rope according to such Black luminaries as Al Sharpton, Julian Bond and Jesse Jackson. After the speech all they did was bitch about what he didn't say.
The President could have declared that every Black person in America would be paid $250,000 in slavery reparations, a free college education, guaranteed high paying government jobs for life, free health care and immunity from prosecution from ANY crime known to man and Jesse Jackson would still be out there busting a ridiculous ryhme about how the President refused to guarantee Black folks freedom from Sickle Cell Anemia and Aids!
I can hear him now...."How we gon be freed if we is diseased?"
Speaking of "Reparations"...
I am going on record as stating that I will personally pay $10,000,000 American dollars to any living Black person who was ever owned by a white man in the United States.
Again....I degress.
I disagree with the President on many things. I was against the Iraq war but we are there now so....we have to win it. His stance (or lack thereof) on immigration is horrendous. He's trying to out Democrat the freakin' Democrat's on wasteful spending and last but not least...he caved in and spoke to the freakin' NAACP after they have spent the past five years calling him everything except George Bush!
I would have rather have seen him have queer sex with Richard Simmons in Times Square than to have seen him give such an ass kissing speech to the NAACP! Ok....maybe not the queer sex thing but you catch my drift.
If he felt compelled to give a speech to that pathetic body it should have gone something like this.
"I came here today to let you know that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Fredrick Douglas, Abraham Lincoln, and Booker T. Washington are spinning in their collective graves at the way the NAACP has sold out Blacks in America. You have slandered me, you have campaigned against me and your so-called leaders have lied to you in order to line their own pockets. If they weren't able to fabricate imagined wrongs, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Cynthia McCrazy and a plethera of others corrupt morons would be out of business. They ought to be ashamed of themselves and so should those of you morons who support them. They have sold their souls to the devil and, as far as I'm concerned, ya'll can all kiss my Texas ass!"
"I'm sending the Secret Service out for a fews beers when I'm finished here and I'll be waiting backstage ALONE. If you've got half the balls as you do mouth Julian Bond, meet me backstage 'cause I'd LOVE to stomp a good ole Texas mudhole in your half breed ass!"
"Oh yeah....as of today, I'm am revoking the NAACP's tax free status for promoting a single political agenda. Thank you and God Bless ALL Americans."
Ahh....perchance to dream.
In closing, let me state for the record...
I would vote for Condi Rice if she ran for President. I think Denzell Washington is probably the best actor this side of that Liberal piece of shit Morgan Freedman. Michael Jordan is the greatest athelete I've ever seen. Tiger Woods is "The MAN". Hallie Berry is quite possibly the most beautiful woman in the world. Ray Charles was the greatest musician I've ever heard. Ali is and was the "GREATEST". Jackie Robinson belongs on Mt. Rushmore and Thomas Sowell is the smartest man in America. PERIOD.
Racist? Nope....I'm a REALIST.
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I was watching the coverage of President Bush speaking to the NAACP the other day and to be honest, I was almost literally sick to my stomach. It's hard to believe that such a morally good man (in my opinion) would prostrate himself before that ridiculous organization. Talk about casting the proverbial pearls before swine!
The NAACP is a pox upon every Black person in America and should be outlawed by Blacks themselves. The very name alone is an abomination...National Association of Colored People my saggin' ass! A couple of points here to begin with:
1) If ANY white person referred to a person of color as "Colored" they would be prosecuted or, at the very least, persecuted as a racist.
2) When is the last time a person of color OTHER than a Black person was championed by the NAACP? Oh yeah...they really stood behind the nomination of Gonzales right? Please.....correct me if I'm wrong.
3) Why is it that the NAACP doesn't champion the rights of Mexican's? Could it be that they are pissed because Blacks are quickly being replaced as the largest minority group in America by...oh yeah, MEXICANS? Actually, I think they already have been.
Just asking....
Why did George Bush waste his breath on the NAACP? Does he really believe that conceding to them would garner even a small degree of support? A modicum of respect? If so, the man needs to be impeached for being freakin' delusional!
It is a FACT that no other racial group in America votes in lock step to the extent that Blacks do. What is it? 96% Democrat? Talk about your "SHEEP"! If I were a Black person, I would be ashamed. Allan Keyes, Bill Cosby, Rev. Peterson et al have said it far better than I but it simply amazes me that an entire race can be sold so willingly into political prostitution. They have been a race of political whores for well over half a generation now and for what? Governmental slavery?
The Democrats were in power for over forty years and all they did was supervise over the ruination of an entire race of Americans. They brought about Lyndon Johnsons' "Great Society" alright.... a great society of whiners, criminals, welfare trough feeders, fatherless children and career victims. Thank God that some blacks have not bought into this ridiculous mentality. Perhaps there IS hope.
George Bush might as have well have been pissing up a rope according to such Black luminaries as Al Sharpton, Julian Bond and Jesse Jackson. After the speech all they did was bitch about what he didn't say.
The President could have declared that every Black person in America would be paid $250,000 in slavery reparations, a free college education, guaranteed high paying government jobs for life, free health care and immunity from prosecution from ANY crime known to man and Jesse Jackson would still be out there busting a ridiculous ryhme about how the President refused to guarantee Black folks freedom from Sickle Cell Anemia and Aids!
I can hear him now...."How we gon be freed if we is diseased?"
Speaking of "Reparations"...
I am going on record as stating that I will personally pay $10,000,000 American dollars to any living Black person who was ever owned by a white man in the United States.
Again....I degress.
I disagree with the President on many things. I was against the Iraq war but we are there now so....we have to win it. His stance (or lack thereof) on immigration is horrendous. He's trying to out Democrat the freakin' Democrat's on wasteful spending and last but not least...he caved in and spoke to the freakin' NAACP after they have spent the past five years calling him everything except George Bush!
I would have rather have seen him have queer sex with Richard Simmons in Times Square than to have seen him give such an ass kissing speech to the NAACP! Ok....maybe not the queer sex thing but you catch my drift.
If he felt compelled to give a speech to that pathetic body it should have gone something like this.
"I came here today to let you know that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Fredrick Douglas, Abraham Lincoln, and Booker T. Washington are spinning in their collective graves at the way the NAACP has sold out Blacks in America. You have slandered me, you have campaigned against me and your so-called leaders have lied to you in order to line their own pockets. If they weren't able to fabricate imagined wrongs, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Cynthia McCrazy and a plethera of others corrupt morons would be out of business. They ought to be ashamed of themselves and so should those of you morons who support them. They have sold their souls to the devil and, as far as I'm concerned, ya'll can all kiss my Texas ass!"
"I'm sending the Secret Service out for a fews beers when I'm finished here and I'll be waiting backstage ALONE. If you've got half the balls as you do mouth Julian Bond, meet me backstage 'cause I'd LOVE to stomp a good ole Texas mudhole in your half breed ass!"
"Oh yeah....as of today, I'm am revoking the NAACP's tax free status for promoting a single political agenda. Thank you and God Bless ALL Americans."
Ahh....perchance to dream.
In closing, let me state for the record...
I would vote for Condi Rice if she ran for President. I think Denzell Washington is probably the best actor this side of that Liberal piece of shit Morgan Freedman. Michael Jordan is the greatest athelete I've ever seen. Tiger Woods is "The MAN". Hallie Berry is quite possibly the most beautiful woman in the world. Ray Charles was the greatest musician I've ever heard. Ali is and was the "GREATEST". Jackie Robinson belongs on Mt. Rushmore and Thomas Sowell is the smartest man in America. PERIOD.
Racist? Nope....I'm a REALIST.
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